Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Toward A New Future of Whatever - Michael Wesch

New media is a good way to speak and to help you find out more about yourself. The quotes that were presented earlier in years about different events of the past in Mr. Wesc video still can fit with present events that happen in today's time frame.

Mr.Wesc gives a good example of a new media technology as use when people blog, facebook, twitter,youtube, and other different social networks that people are not talking to actual people but their speaking through a camera or computer in their privacy. I know for me as example when I have to stand up in front of my class and speak I'm very nervous and sometimes find myself forgetting words and stuttering. However, on facebook being that billions of people can acknowledge what I do I'm a fool without shyness and I just think Mr.Wesc made a true point how these new medias can help emerge to change the world towards the future in many different languages as he stated in this world to do especially with youtube.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that media may enable some who have difficulty communicating in other ways to effectively communicate. But for communication to be effective we must have something worthwhile to say. That is the challenge Dr. Wesch tries to address. He is hopeful. I wonder whether he has a right to be!
