Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Dear Kaia

Kaia shares a very interesting story with us about her love for nature with the company of her father for quality. Because of him reading "The Last Child in The Woods" inspired him of the time he need to spend with his daughter and teach her how to cherish the outside of nature. Kaia understands why her father pushes this knowledge of outside and is eager to learn.
Without use of technology Kaia wouldn't be able to be touch from people across the world admiring her story. More of technology should be brought out in the school system because its just so much more out their that children are just far from. Kaia photo essay was good for her first I never heard of such a thing, she will be able to keep and cherish that for her life. As she continue to create photo essay she can compare her first for improvement.

To meet Kaia Click Here!!

1 comment:

  1. Kaia and her father will be Skyping your class next Thursday. Be prepared with comments and questions.
