Sunday, October 11, 2009

New Media Literacies

New Media Literacies are very helpful in this world today because of people coming from consumers but becoming producers of their own. All skills are 21st century able because the skills happen not only in class room but everyday life so skills that you use for this can also be use for everyday life. I would require all of these skills to be used, but the one I would close attention to is play because you have to be able play around with it and master it like the ole saying "practice makes Perfect."
Visualization also plays a big role its the same as teaching yourself. I find it easier to be visual learner. Because by you being able to teach yourself it will be very help for you to explain it and break it down to others. Multitasking is always being able to do more than one things is always a plus because when doing a job in the real world you have to be multitask ed I feel this good preparation.


  1. People learn in very many ways, but practice is an essential component no matter which methods are employed for learning!

  2. I believe in practice, but too much multitasking is just a waste of your time. Concentrate on 2 things well and get the job done then move on to the next job.
